Enero 2012   
7.4/10 (41 votos)

ATM เออรัก เออเร่อ online (2012)

ATM เออรัก เออเร่อ online (2012)

Romance – Duración 123 min – Thailand

ATM เออรัก เออเร่อ: Sua and Jib are like any other couple in this world except for one exception: for the past 5 years they have kept their relationship a secret since the bank where they are employed has a strict No Fraternization policy. It's not a big deal until they decide to get married. The only problem? Which one of these two Type-A overachievers will put marriage before a career and resign? With neither willing to take the leap of faith they both turn incident into opportunity when an ATM glitch in Chonburi province cashes out over $130,000 baht.




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